10. a 11.5. 2014 Klubová a speciální výstava KŠSP Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

02.06.2014 09:40

Klubová výstava

třída: pracovní

hodnocení: VD1

posudek: 4 years, would prefer a bit more head in details companing to body, doga  bit leggy, not the best proportions in body, would prefer a bit more bone, correct angulation in front, in stay and in movement loose too much in elbows, because of the proportions only very good. Nice temperament, good working.

rozhodčí: Maria Amelia Taborda


Speciální výstava

třída: pracovní

hodnocení: D

posudek: 4 years old, all parts should be stronger, higher dog, head fitting to the body, correct ears and eyes, cheast broad and deep fit to body, straitgh front leg, bones should be stronger, correct feet, steep in the front, good angulation behind, correct tail set, should have more reach in front and more proportion behind

rozhodčí: Joseph Van Hummelen